Coronavírus na itália: o futuro do brasil?

Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk entrevista Leandro Demori (The Intercept Brasil) sobre a crise de saúde na Itália por conta da pandemia do COVID-19, o novo coronavírus. Por que a Itália chegou neste ponto? Como funciona os sistema de saúde lá? Como o povo italiano reagiu no início da pandemia? Quais suas semelhanças e diferenças conosco? Seria a Itália o Brasil de amanhã?
Listen to "AntiCast 427 – Coronavírus na Itália: o Futuro do Brasil?" on Spreaker.
DEATHS FROM COVID-19 continued to mount this week as the U.S. surpassed 200,000 confirmed cases, more than any other country in the world. Experts increasingly point to President Donald Trump’s willful negligence as a primary cause of the pandemic’s intensity, but MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirscher takes things a step further, arguing controversially that Trump could be legally liable for coronavirus deaths after he leaves office. He makes the case to Mehdi Hasan on this week’s podcast.
Glenn Kirschner: I actually think he will see charges brought in each jurisdiction in which people have died as a result of his gross negligence. So I have a feeling that he has got a lot of criminal legal exposure coming at him beginning in January 2021.
[Music interlude.]
Mehdi Hasan: Welcome to Deconstructed, I’m Mehdi Hasan. Broadcasting once again from home, because of the coronavirus of course. I hope you’re all staying safe and indoors because our lives are literally at stake.
GK: He acted in a grossly negligent way, and he failed to act. And that failure was a product of gross negligence. He hit the homicide bonanza.
MH: That’s my guest today, Glenn Kirschner, former federal prosecutor with 30 years of trial experience who’s upset many on the right with this very provocative suggestion of his: that Trump could be prosecuted for negligent homicide.
But aside from triggering the MAGA snowflakes, is he right? Could the president really one day be prosecuted, put on trial for his role in exacerbating and worsening this deadly crisis?
Newscaster: New projections indicating that without drastic action, the United States could face a catastrophic loss of life from coronavirus, a death toll topping one million.
Newscaster: President Trump says he’s considering putting New York and two other states under quarantine to slow the spread.
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro: The United States is now the center of a global pandemic. Cases of the coronavirus are rising exponentially.
MH: The number of deaths in the United States has now topped 4,000 – that’s more than the number of Americans killed on 9/11, on George W. Bush’s watch, and more than the number of Americans killed in Puerto Rico by Hurricane Maria in 2017, which was of course on Donald Trump’s watch.
Now let’s be clear: President Trump is not responsible for the existence, or the deadliness, of the coronavirus. He is however responsible for the catastrophically botched response to the spread of the virus inside of these United States since January.
Many experts believe that the number of deaths we’re seeing, and the rapid spread of the disease caused by the coronavirus, Covid-19, which is now fast approaching 200,000 confirmed U.S. cases, the highest number on the planet, is a result of Trump’s willful negligence; that this president has American blood on his hands.
I mean, just listen to an exchange I had with a Harvard epidemiologist, Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, on my Al Jazeera English show, UpFront, just a few weeks ago:
MH: When you look at whether as Prime Minister Boris Johnson say, well, maybe we should let it go through. I’ve shaken lots of hands or Donald Trump playing golf saying I don’t need to get tested and my opponents are treating, it’s a new hoax from my opponents. Do these people potentially have blood on their hands?
Eric Feigl-Ding: I think so.


Live do Atila de 20/03 com projeções sobre o Brasil
Live do Atila de 22/03, após medidas tomadas no Brasil
CORONAVÍRUS: POUCO CASO DE BOLSONARO PODE CUSTAR 478 MIL VIDAS AO BRASILVigésimo dia de coronavírus no Brasil é pior que o da Itália


Vinheta de Abertura: Felipe Ayres
Edição: Henrique Machado
Pauta e pesquisa: Giselle Camargo
Imagem de Capa: Claudio Furlan/LaPresse (Associated Press)